1. 两数之和( LeetCode 1 )
var twoSum = function (nums, target) {
const map = new Map()
const l = nums.length
for (let i = 0; i < l; i++) {
if(map.has(nums[i])) {
return [map.get(nums[i]), i]
map.set(target - nums[i], i)
2. 模拟行走机器人( LeetCode 874 )
var robotSim = function (commands, obstacles) {
let result = 0
let x = y = 0
let direction = 0
const arrow = [[0, 1], [1, 0], [0, -1], [-1, 0]]
const obstaclesMap = {}
for (let i = 0; i < obstacles.length; i++) {
obstaclesMap[obstacles[i]] = true
const l = commands.length
for (let command of commands) {
if (commands[i] === -2) {
direction = direction === 0 ? 3 : direction - 1
} else if (commands[i] === -1) {
direction = direction === 3 ? 0 : direction + 1
} else {
const addX = arrow[direction][0]
const addY = arrow[direction][1]
while (command-- > 0 && !obstaclesMap[`${x + addX},${y + addY}`]) {
x += addX;
y += addY;
result = Math.max(result, x * x + y * y)
return result
3. 字母异位词分组( LeetCode 49 )
var groupAnagrams = function(strs) {
const map = {}
for(const s of strs) {
const count = new Array(26).fill(0)
for(const c of s) {
count[c.charCodeAt() - 'a'.charCodeAt()]++
map[count] ? map[count].push(s) : map[count] = [s]
return Object.values(map)
4. 串联所有单词的子串( LeetCode 30 )
此题属于leetcode 438的进阶版
var findSubstring = function (s, words) {
const result = []
const len = s.length
const wordNum = words.length // 有效单词数count === wordNum时,代表可以放进result
const wordLen = words[0].length
const wordMap = new Map()
for (const word of words) {
wordMap.set(word, (wordMap.get(word) || 0) + 1)
// 只需要找一个单词的身位就行,大于一个单词的身位都在while里循环了,小于单词身位的都无意义
for (let i = 0; i < wordLen; i++) {
let left = right = i
let count = 0 // 符合要求的单词个数
const validMap = new Map()
while (right + wordLen <= len) {
const add = s.slice(right, right + wordLen)
right += wordLen
if (wordMap.has(add)) {
validMap.set(add, (validMap.get(add) || 0) + 1)
// 滑动窗口容量超标 不应以 长度> totalLen为标准。而应以某单词数是否超标为标准,如下。
while (validMap.get(add) > wordMap.get(add)) {
// 一直弃置左侧单词,直到符合。
const del = s.slice(left, left + wordLen)
validMap.set(del, validMap.get(del) - 1)
left += wordLen
} else {
left = right
count = 0
if (count === wordNum) result.push(left)
return res
5. 子域名访问计数( LeetCode 811 )
var subdomainVisits = function(cpdomains) {
const result = []
const map = {}
for(const cpdomain of cpdomains) {
const temp = cpdomain.split(' ')
const count = Number(temp[0])
const domain = temp[1]
const array = domain.split('.')
while(array.length) {
map[array.join('.')] = (map[array.join('.')] || 0) + count
for (const key in map) {
result.push(map[key] + ' ' + key)
return result
6. 子数组的度( LeetCode 697 )
var findShortestSubArray = function (nums) {
const map = {}
for (let i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) {
const c = nums[i]
if (map[c]) {
map[c][2] = i
} else {
map[c] = [1, i, i]
let maxNum = minLen = 0
Object.values(map).map(item => {
if(item[0] > maxNum) {
maxNum = item[0]
minLen = item[2] - item[1] + 1
} else if(item[0] === maxNum) {
minLen = Math.min(item[2] - item[1] + 1, minLen)
return minLen